Thank you for your interest in CityGirl Planners Public Relations Team! We are excited that you decided to apply. There are a few things you may like to know before you fill out the form.
What are some of the things expected of you as part of the CGP team?
We ask that you post your planner spreads with or without decoration, post a picture or video of your CGP products when they arrive, tag CGP, post when we release new designs or products, etc. on your social media accounts two to three times per week. Join and be an active part of our Facebook group.
We need your help to spread the word about CGP. Announce when we are part of a collaborative sale and/or store sales and help with monitoring groups for ways to promote CGP. To advertise new releases and bring focus to our Products and services. Each team term lasts three months. You must be willing to work out the entire term.
What can you expect as part of the CGP team?
You will receive a three month (enough for the length of the term) calendar and a $20 shop credit to purchase inserts you feel you would have fun using. If you wish to purchase additional products/services, a 30% discount will be applied. Get cash back- you become part of our affiliate program that will award you 15% back on every dollar your personal link brings in. The program pays out once you hit $100. So, the more you advertise your link, the more money you will make, the sooner you will get paid.
We like happy, positive people. They make the best helpers! We will run contests/giveaways/incentives for our team to help push them to be their best. Our way of saying thanks for doing all you can to help make CityGirl Planners the go-to place for everyone’s planner needs!
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